All users of this site should read the following terms of use even if they use only the public areas of the site. By using this site you are agreeing to the following terms of use:

  1. No portion of this site may be used in an effort to make the user money.
  2. Copies of any portion of the site must be for personal use only unless a corporate membership has been secured.
  3. If you wish to share site information with a friend, please give them the site address:
  4. Because the purpose of this site is to make homeschooling accessible and affordable to all who use it, you agree to respect our purpose.
  5. The user understands that many links in the site are to outside web resources. When appropriate outside resources were not available, considerable effort has gone into creating appropriate resources.
  6. It should be further understood that the VHI curricula are based primarily on the classical curriculum with eclectic elements. For this reason, most of the VHI curricula will be based upon educational excellence from historical sources.
  7. Resources on the VHI site that have either the vHomeschool or the VHI name or logo on them belong to the VHI program and may not be distributed beyond the user's family without prior written permission.
  8. The user agrees to contact VHI if there are any questions that the user needs answered and the vhandbook and the FAQ do not answer these questions. Contact Us
  9. The user understands that it is the responsibility of the family (parent or student) to keep homeschool records and communicate with their local school authorities (sample forms are available through VHI).
  10. Use of any part of this site to engage in any criminal activity in or from any country is expressly forbidden in the terms of use and is reason for permanent banishment from the site. There are no second chances with this one.
  11. Use of Virtual Homeschool International site outside of the classroom area is also an agreement to these terms of use, even if you choose not to enroll.