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Virtual Homeschool International

The Art Kit

Paper Making

vHomeschool Art Curriculum
Art Kit by Rhea Sprecter

Materials: Paper of any kind
Dried leaves
Mold (Wood frame with screen stapled over edge, any size) Deckle
Sink (large container,
water proof)
Fabric (polyester felt or wool squares — Little larger than mold and deckle)
Process: 1. Cut or tear paper to 1" or 2" pieces — Soak in water until wet.
2. Fill blender 3/4 full with water, add paper — Blend.
3. Pour pulp into sink (large container) that is filled with water.
4. Place deckle on top of mold —Stir pulp to keep it near the top of the water.
5. Dip mold and deckle into water and pulp mixture in a sweeping motion — Pull up and hold flat while water drains.
6. Place wet fabric on wood — Remove deckle from mold — Place mold face down on fabric — Press to squeeze out water excess — Gently lift mold — Paper will stay on fabric.
7. Cover paper with another piece of wet fabric — Repeat process of wet fabricpaper-wet fabric, etc. until you have a post (stack) of about six or less — Cover with wood — Stand on wood and press out water.
8. Remove top piece of wood — Lift top piece of fabric — Pick up fabric and paper.
9. Place fabric and paper face down on drying surface — Gently peel off fabric — Paper will reamin-Dry in the sun.

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